On Friday 9th, me and my friend Becca went to Norwich Lanes Fashion Night Out in the hope to get some great photos as well as spend a little bit of money. There were a lot of rumours flying around about what each store was going to be setting up, from live tattooing by Wink, esteemed East Anglian tattoo artist, to free champagne and cakes in all of the vintage stores, to the wide-spread rumour of Johnny Depp's appearance, reinforced by Philip Browne's promise of a free Jack Sparrow outfit with every purchase over a certain amount. Naturally, being tattoo fans, we began at Philip Browne's, where Wink was live tattooing beside the window. Feeling a little intimidated by the hoards of tattooed socialites, we had a bit of a wander before returning to snap a few shots through the window.
The lovely gentlemen from HotBox were also DJing, so we slipped back a little while later once we'd conjured up the courage to take a few photos and take a look at the new range of clothing in Philip Browne.
Next up was Imelda's Shoe Boutique, located just a few shops away from Philip Browne. Here we found free snacks and champagne, as well as a quaint array of beautiful heels and other shoes. The layout of Imelda's is filled with fanciful decorations and whimsical displays; in a back room, 50s-themed make up artists were performing makeovers on the public, and, after asking permission from the models and make up artists, we got a few photos.
Just around the corner from Imelda's was the gorgeous home and lifestyle boutique Lisa Angel. Filled with playful bits-n-bobs for around the house, Lisa Angel captured our attention and held us captive for the good part of 20 minutes; imagining the curious collection of bunting, cushions, bags and decorations amid my own home, I was lured into a glass of champagne and an internal struggle of 'Should I? Shouldn't I?'.
The particular lane that Lisa Angel occupies was the most active lane of the night, with live street art, the band Hello Bear performing in the centre of the lane, and all of the shops open and waiting with sales, discounts, and the launches of new lines. While we skipped out on The Rock Collection, The Egg, and Biddy's Tea Room, we paused to watch a street artist spray the design for a cityscape, and listened to Hello Bear, picking up a free CD along the way.
From here we headed to Goldfinches Vintage store, a store I've been inside and have purchased from many a time. The bottom level is filled with women's vintage clothes, from long dresses to short skirts; from blouses to retro t-shirts; from high-heeled shoes to the tiniest brooches. Upstairs sits rows upon rows of baggy shirts, gorgeous old coats and shoes, and a mannequin covered in ties. There are accessories galore throughout the shop, hidden in little hidey-holes and scattered around the room.
Before leaving Goldfinches we said hello to Jess of Cupcakes by Jess, a previous member of our university course who has started up a cupcake business. Cupcakes by Jess is featured at most vintage fashion shows or events in Norfolk, with gorgeously-adorned cupcakes accompanied by quaint cups of tea, and all created by the 50s-styled Jess, whose bubblegum-blue hair looks as sweet as the cupcakes themselves.
Lastly, before heading to the official after-party at the Birdcage, we went to the isolated little store Prim Vintage Fashion, located on St Benedict's Street and a 10 minute walk away from the rest of the Norwich Lanes Fashion Night Out contributors. With a huge basement filled with men's clothing, and an upstairs consisting not only of the typical 50s-90s fashion but also pre-war, Prim also had snacks and beverages to hand for the customers eager to fill up their loyalty card (spend £100 and get a £10 voucher).

Finally, we headed to the Birdcage for the official after-party. It was filled to the brim with fashionistas and socialites, the entire downstairs area so rammed that it was almost impossible to get through the ladies' loo. Seating was scarce unless, like the pub cat, you could find a small crevice to hide inside. To the left of the bar was Reginald Spleen's Travelling Snuff Bar, at which you could get a small sample of differently flavoured snuff before deciding whether to buy it or not. I personally tried the toffee-flavoured snuff which, despite burning my nose, had a wonderful creamy taste to it.